Psalm 23:1-6 (ESV) – The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.

3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Believers have to expect the unexpected.

Without a shadow of doubt or fear, expect the unexpected. Because the enemy is going around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

So, how do we as believers respond in those situations?

This morning we will look at Expecting the Unexpected

Psalm 23:4 begins with the words: “Even though…”

There are many things we don’t expect or anticipate in life.


So, my first point is “even though”

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.

The most unexpected thing to find after verses 3 is a shadow of death, or a gloomy dark valley. See we all hit highs in life, but everyone knows there are lows as well, valleys, shadows of despair and darkness.

But it is only God who not only helps us, but he also actually tells us this will happen, and we should fear not. Jesus said, in this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33).

So, expect the unexpected. Because unlike us, humans, God knows everything, so we should never worry, fear, stress, be anxious about anything, for He knows everything and is never taken by surprize. I cannot stress this point / fact enough that God has got your back.

Even though I enter the valley of the shadow of death.

The world is full of darkness and shadows.

Even though I lost my job, even though I’ve been diagnosed with Cancer, even though my world is falling apart, even though I failed my test, my exam. Even though I never make the cut, or get into the college of my choice, even though I don’t have the job I wanted or the promotion I desperately needed.

Even though I met in an accident and have no car, even though I had to move house because the rent was too much. Even though I made some bad mistakes, even though. even though I had to sacrifice my plans and my future for the sake of others.

With all the “even thoughs” that met us along the way, with every unexpected circumstance and unexpected situation we must never face it with fear, doubt or trepidation.

In fact, the verse continues to say, Even though I walk… Which tells me that you have to walk through it church. Problem with so many believers is that they have not realised the need to walk though it and not sit and wait for it to pass. You have to walk through those dark moments. Some believers have accepted a dark, ungodly shadow, and valley to be their life. I tell you now, if you in that spot you need to see the light and get up and move out of the darkness. We are not called to sit in the shadows or accept it, we need to shine, and we need to walk through the shadow of death. And say even though, this situation doesn’t look good, I need to keep walking. I need to know if LBC has some even though kinda of believers.

Even though you are going through some difficulties and challenges.

Even though you’ve been rejected and left alone,

Even though you feel defeated.

Even though you can fill in the blank.

Just know that, it too, shall pass – Paul says, for this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal (2 Cor 4:17-18).

Jesus himself had an even though situation. Even though death lay before him, even though the dark of night came and droplets of blood came dropping down his head, even though there lie before him, beating, whipping, mocking, scourging. Even though, a heavy cross was laid upon his shoulders for him to carry down the road, only to be hung upon with nails in his hand’s and nails in his feet.

Even though he knew what lied ahead. Even though he saw the shadow of death as real and as cruel. He endured it, he walked through the shadow of death.

Because Jesus knew and I want you to know, it was only a shadow. And he, Jesus declared in that garden of Gethsemane in the dark, in the valley, with the shadow of death before him… He said not my will but yours be done. Never make shadows in your life a reality. No matter how real it may appear and feel, know it is only a shadow.

The will of the Father is of utmost importance to our lives. Obedience is better than sacrifice, and here Jesus demonstrates both obedience and sacrifice.

Getting back to our verse we have established that even though you can fill in the blank.

We as believers will be obedient to God we will walk through the shadow of death we will not fear.

2.   I WILL…

Say to your neighbour Even though.

I Will. Turn to your other neighbour the one you just ignored and say…

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil.

This is “I will” part is important to believers, far too often we believe in Christ, we good in bible studies, know all the answers, understand difficult doctrines.

But where theory needs to be put into practice.

When the rubber hits the road.

When you have to put your faith to the test.

Even though things are happening around you, you need to say, I will not fear, I will not give in, I will not let the circumstance, challenge overcome me/us, nor will I let it take control of the situation.

I will not fear, say I will not fear. It is recorded around 365 times in the Bible – I will not fear, or you must not fear.

I Will not fear (say it)

Yet again, we do not say these things in a vacuum or just to hype ourselves up, but we say it because this is a declaration of our faith and has substance.

This declaration of our will and our spirit is not of our own strength, but it rests upon the one who journeys with us. The verse continues to say, for You are with me, we have the living God with us.

We make the declaration I will because God is with me. Church The unexpected situations, the dark places, the shadows need not be feared anymore, because you have God with you.

Even ThoughI will… You get it Even though you are going through stuff, you mentally, consciously and intentionally decide what you are going to do. You will, after you decided what to do, once your mind is made up you act upon it as a leap or step of faith.

Now again, you don’t do it alone, you do it with the Shepherd of our souls. He is with us.


Even though we were in the valley. We Will. We were gonna walk through it. We have God on our side, we will not fear, we will not be irresponsible either (I just need to mention that). But we did not fear.

God’s rod and staff comforted us.

For King David, it might have been a more literally expression.

But for us today its actually God’s Word which guides us and His Spirit which comforts us. It’s a combination of care and protection, defence and also a guide, like grace and truth. Or Spirit and Truth.

You can experience the same comfort and direction we did in one of the most difficult times not only in the church’s history but also in the world.

So church, I’ll wrap up by saying expect the unexpected, because even though and you can fill in the blank. say I will, take action and put your faith to the test for He is with me, His rod and His Staff comforts me.

He did it for us as a church during a tough time, he’ll do it for you as well.


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