- Welcome to -
a multi-cultural church of believers following
jesus christ
lbc | life changing messages
Established in the 1920s, Lyndhurst Baptist Church (LBC) is a multi-cultural community of believers committed to being a learning, caring, worshiping church. We are a multi-cultural church of believers serving the cause of Jesus Christ.
”As the Father has sent me, so send I you. (John 20:21)”
Say these words:
Today I confess Jesus, as my Lord and Saviour. I believe He came to the earth; I believe He died, and I believe, that on the 3rd day, He was raised from the dead. Everything Jesus did, by His death, burial and resurrection, I receive into my human spirit. I receive the gift of eternal life. I am Born Again. Thank You Jesus. Hallelujah!
Discipleship Classes
To make Discipleship Classes disciples by establishing believers in the biblical foundational truths of the Christian faith.
Worship Ministry
At LBC we see worship as a daily part of our lives to be uplifted encouraged and strengthened.
Women’s Ministry
The purpose of the women’s ministry is to uplift each other in prayer and the word of God.
Men’s Fellowship
Enabling men to discover their God given gifts that will then be directed towards the work of God.
LBC Youth
Helping young people to not only know the word for themselves but to live out the word.
Sunday School
We at LBC believe the children belong to God and are a gift from Him.
-declaration of faith-
be born
say these words:
Today I confess Jesus, as my Lord and Saviour. I believe He came to the earth; I believe He died, and I believe, that on the 3rd day, He was raised from the dead. Everything Jesus did, by His death, burial and resurrection, I receive into my human spirit. I receive the gift of eternal life. I am Born Again. Thank You Jesus. Hallelujah!